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Our comprehensive resources designed to support gardeners of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner seeking essential tips and tricks or an experienced gardener aiming to enhance your harvest, we've got you covered. If you don't find what you're searching for, feel free to submit your questions or reach out to our dedicated customer service for expert guidance and additional information. We are committed to empowering your gardening journey every step of the way.

Save Time And Money: Reuse Your Drip Tape

If you plan on having a year-round garden like we do here at HOSS, drip irrigation is the obvious solution in your vegetable garden. But what happens to your drip tape after you've harvested your crops? Spending the money and time replacing your drip tape is not only costly but wastes hours that could be spent in the garden...
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Top 7 Cover Crops To Plant In The Summer

As many gardeners know, crop rotation is important for having healthy soil in your vegetable garden. For example, if one season you plant tomatoes, you don’t want to follow it up the next season with tomatoes because the soil will be missing the specific nutrients those tomatoes need because the previous crop has already...
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How Much Food To Grow & Preserve For A Family Of 4

Planning is a vital part of growing enough food to feed your family. Preparing for the unexpected like food shortages, rising prices, and supply chain issues will ensure that even in the worst of times, you have what you need to thrive. While a lot of gardeners prefer to eat their crops fresh, preserving either a portion...

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Maximize Your Garden Space | Vertical & Container Gardening

There is a common misconception that you need to have acres of land to be able to be successful growing your own food for you and your family. But what happens if you live in an apartment, only have a back porch, or just a small window ledge? Or what if your dedicated garden is already full of rows and rows of vegetables and...
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Top 5 Reasons To Plant Flowers In Your Vegetable Garden

The first and arguably most important reason to plant flowers in your vegetable garden is to attract pollinators. A pollinator is an insect or animal that carries pollen from male plants to female plants to aid in fertilization. These critters are attracted to the flowers in your garden and will subsequently help to pollinate your...
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Growing Potatoes in a Root Pouch Bag

In recent years, the popularity of container gardening has skyrocketed, and for good reason. Container gardening can provide flexibility, convenience, and the opportunity to grow plants in areas where traditional gardening is impractical. Root Pouch Grow Bags take this concept to the next level...
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Removing Silks from Sweet Corn in the Garden

The best time to plant sweet corn is during the spring after the last frost date has happened. When it comes to planting sweet corn or any kind of corn variety it should be planted in blocks or squares for better pollination. Planting in blocks instead of long rows ensures that once the crop starts tasselling the wind...
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Using the High Arch Wheel Hoe to Hill Corn

Some of the important reasons we like to hill corn is for weed control, to prop the corn up, and to create more brace roots at the bottom of the plant. Greg doesn't like to use any herbicides on his corn, therefore small weeds will begin to pop up around the corn plants which is not good. To gain weed control...
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Tomato Trellising with the Florida Weave Technique

When it comes to trellising tomato plants there are many advantages that improve the overall health of these plants. The easiest Florida weave trellis technique is used for determinate tomatoes, while tomato cages are typically used for indeterminate tomatoes in the vegetable garden. We use the...
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Everything You Need to Know for Planting Tomatoes

On this week's episode, Travis has the complete guide to planting tomatoes in the garden. The first step to preparing the garden for planting tomatoes is to set up the drip irrigation. Travis went ahead and laid the mainline tubing down the day before planting to allow the newly laid tape to stretch out and lay flat...
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Planting Ambrosia Sweet Corn with our Garden Seeder

On this week's episode, Travis is planting ambrosia sweet corn in the vegetable garden. Previously planted was crimson clover and Travis decided to let his chickens graze on the spot in order to clean out the area. When planting sweet corn or field corn you always want to plant it in a square plot for better...
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Transplanting with Hoss Dibble Wheel Attachment

On this week's episode, Greg decided to plant some beet, bok choy, and broccoli transplants using the new Hoss Dibble Wheel. Back in the day, Greg just cut a stick to his desired spacing and used it to determine the spacing between each plant in the garden. However, with the new dibble wheel, it lays off the...
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Overcoming Too Much Rain in the Garden

The biggest problem with accumulating too much rain in the garden is disease pressure. Some of the diseases that could overtake the garden include powdery mildew, fire blight, and anthracnose. However, if you monitor the garden and have a prevention plan set in place to eliminate these disease issues you...
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Best Way to Reuse Drip Tape in the Fall Garden

The easiest way to maximize garden production with effective irrigation and steady water-soluble fertilizers is through the use of drip tape. Most people believe that drip tape can be used either on top or buried in the soil. However, drip tape was really made to go underneath the soil in the garden...
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Start to Finish: Preparing for Fall Garden Planting

On this week's episode, Travis is demonstrating how to prepare for fall garden planting. He recently has added on a new plot for gardening and it is a 20 foot wide by around 35 feet long area. Originally this plot was just grass and in order to prepare it for planting, Travis tilled the area during the summer and since...
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Planting Mixed Greens Bed in the Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is demonstrating how to easily plant mixed greens in the vegetable garden. We recommended using the wheel hoe and garden seeder to create these productive elevated green beds in the garden. You can use either the Single Wheel Hoe or the Double Wheel Hoe and attach one...
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Making Your Own Corn Meal and Grits

The best time to plant field corn is during the spring and can be grown throughout the warmer months up until fall. We recommend planting field corn using our Hoss Garden Seeder to provide accurate spacing in the vegetable garden. We also suggest using drip tape irrigation because corn is a heavy...
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Building Up Your Garden Soils with Cover Crops

On this week's episode, Greg is discussing how to build up the soil by using cover crops. The many benefits of growing cover crops are the increase of organic matter, nematode suppression, and weed control. When building up your garden soils you have to supply the best cover crop that fulfills the...
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Harvesting Fruits and Vegetables in the Garden

The Over The Shoulder Harvesting Bucket is by the far the best tool to use when harvesting fruits and vegetables around the homestead. It allows you to easily cut crops with one hand then harvest with the other hand. The harvesting bucket contains adjustable straps that won't cut into your skin and a padded...
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Ultimate Guide to Growing Okra in the Vegetable Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is growing the easiest crops in the vegetable garden. Being apart of the Mallow family, okra is related to cotton or hibiscus and they all share similar flowers as well. It is pretty much a maintenance-free crop meaning it hardly needs any water or fertilizer to grow in the garden...
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Top Vegetables to Grow in the Summertime Heat

On this week's episode, Travis describes the top vegetables to grow during the warmer summertime growing season. During the summertime, the weather conditions are not ideal to grow many vegetable varieties in the garden. Along with the harsh weather conditions, pest and disease pressures are unbearable...
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Using a Garden Hoe for Maintaining Heavy Weeds

It is important to maintain weeds in the vegetable garden because they can ultimately overrun the entire garden area if they are not controlled. The major issue with weeds in the garden is they compete for nutrients, water, soil, and space against plants that strongly need it for growth. If the plants do...
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How to Grow the Best Sweet Corn in the Vegetable Garden

On this week's episode, Greg is discussing all the essentials needed to grow the best sweet corn in the garden. The three most important factors when growing the best sweet corn are pollination, irrigation, and fertilization. When it comes to planting corn it should be planted in blocks or squares because corn is pollinated...
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Best Tool to Use for Harvesting Okra

The best tool for harvesting okra in the garden is our Handy Twine Knife. This tool is a vinyl-coated ring that slides onto your finger that makes it easier to harvest vegetables and cut twine when using the trellising technique. When harvesting okra this twine knife can be worn either above or below the knuckle...
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Organic Disease Controls in the Garden

When growing your own food in the garden the overall goal is to produce the healthiest vegetables. In order to achieve this goal using organic disease controls and pest controls help eliminate applying harmful products on our vegetable garden area. To produce the healthiest vegetables, we need a garden that...
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Harvesting Asparagus in the Vegetable Garden

There are a couple of different health benefits to growing asparagus in the vegetable garden. Like other vegetables, asparagus provides nutrients such as protein, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, folate, and a few other vitamins. As well as, a good source of antioxidants which helps protect cells from oxidative...
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Planting Double Rows of Blue Lake Beans

On this week's episode, Travis is planting two different varieties of beans on double rows in the vegetable garden. The first variety of bush bean is Blue Lake which is great for canning and eating fresh from the garden. The second variety is known as Green Crop Bush Bean which contains a flattened appearance...
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Organic Pest Control in the Vegetable Garden

When using organic pest control the most important step in eliminating the pest problems is to be proactive in the garden. Greg recommends having a spray program early on to ensure that you reduce the pest issues before they over populate the vegetable garden. The benefits of using organic pest controls...
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Planting Field Corn in the Vegetable Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is planting a popular variety of field corn in the vegetable garden. The best time to plant corn is during the warmer months up until the fall. When growing field corn it is nearly impossible without drip tape irrigation. Since field corn stalks grow tall in the garden the overhead irrigation...
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Growing Elephant Garlic in the Vegetable Garden

Closely related to leeks, elephant garlic has a couple of similarities and differences when compared to regular garlic. Similar to leeks in appearance it contains a tall flowering stalk with flat leaves but has a bulb that forms large garlic-like cloves. Much like onions, the immature elephant garlic plants...
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Determining When Watermelons Are Ripe in the Garden?

The best time to grow watermelons is during the warmer growing seasons. Watermelons can either be transplanted or direct seeded in the vegetable garden. When direct seeding we recommend planting seeds every 12 inches along the row and thin plants once they emerge to one every 2 foot. In the spring...
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Downy Mildew Resistant Pumpkins in the Vegetable Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is explaining how to plant downy mildew resistant pumpkins in the vegetable garden. In order to clean up the garden area from a previous harvest, Travis likes to use the Double Wheel Hoe with the Sweeps attachment. This makes uprooting larger weeds and cleaning everything out...
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Drip Irrigation in Your Vegetable Garden

We jumped on the drip irrigation bandwagon about five years ago and we haven't turned back since. Here in Zone 8b, it can get quite warm later in the growing season. During these periods of high temperatures, it becomes very difficult to provide water to our vegetables plants in the garden. This is amplified...
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The Hoss Garden is in full swing!

The Hoss Garden is in full swing and the tomatoes are coming in strong. A couple of years ago, we installed a small greenhouse to grow our own plants. I wanted to try new varieties of tomatoes and other peppers. I had only planted Amelia's the last few years, because that's all I could get. Last year, I trialed...
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Grow Food Year Round

You no longer have to count on one warm season to produce all your vegetables. You can grow food year round with some of the new advances in agricultural technology. Now you can enjoy a fresh salad and other fresh veggies during the coldest winter months...
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Increasing Yield by Succession Planting Squash and Okra

When planting squash we recommend direct seeding seeds every 12 inches along the garden row. Squash is a crop that requires multiple harvests throughout the growing season and should be harvested every 2 or 3 days to ensure no fruits become too large and unpalatable in the garden. Travis recommends...
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Growing a Bumper Crop of Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is a winter squash variety that is known as a personal-sized squash because they are about half the size of a normal-sized squash. The Small Wonder Spaghetti Squash is a very productive hybrid variety that produces higher yields than any other spaghetti squash varieties...
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Best Way to Hill Sweet Potatoes with the High Arch Wheel Hoe

Similar in design to the Double, the High Arch Wheel Hoe allows you to straddle plants as well, but much taller plants like corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. It also contains adjustable wheel spacing meaning the wheels can move in or out depending on your desired spacing in the garden. So basically you have three...
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Growing Irish Potatoes in the Fall Vegetable Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is trying to grow Irish potatoes in the Fall vegetable garden. The variety of potatoes Travis is planting today is Yukon Gold. Since seed potato producers do not usually have any potatoes available towards the end of August. Since that is the case, he had to buy the potatoes a couple...
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Making Muscadine Wine Straight from the Garden

A staple crop of the South, muscadines can be used for a variety of ways such as fresh off the vine or used in the kitchen to make jelly, cobblers, and wine. The muscadines do best in warmer climates where temperatures don't get below 10 degrees. Therefore they do best in the south and not as good in the...
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The Best Wheel Hoe Attachment Ever Made!

When it comes to the several different wheel hoe attachments they all vary in capability but are very useful when it comes to maintaining the vegetable garden. Some of our most popular wheel hoe attachments include the drip tape layer, seeder, dibble wheel, sweeps, cultivator teeth, winged sweeps, and plow set. Only used on the Double Wheel Hoe the Drip Tape Layer attachment is...
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Biggest Sweet Potato in the Vegetable Garden

The most beneficial benefit when growing sweet potatoes is the variety of vitamins and minerals the crop provides. Another benefit of growing sweet potatoes in the garden is the ability to produce a maximum yield of crops that will ultimately store for a long period of time on the homestead. Also, after...
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The Best Guide to Planting Carrots in the Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is explaining how to grow maximum yields of carrots in the vegetable garden. For about three years, Travis has tried a particular technique when growing carrots that has done extremely well. The guide to planting carrots is finding the perfect time to plant them in the garden...
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Creating the Best Garden Rows for Planting

The handy and effective tool that Travis will be using to create the garden rows is the Row Maker. This tool will allow you to make multiple planting furrows in the garden by simply dragging it along the soil. It contains a nice 54-inch hardwood handle that attaches to the frame with U-bolts that are provided...
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Two Very Important Tips for Growing the Best Onions

On this week's episode, Travis explains the important tips for growing the best onions in the garden. When it comes to growing the big softball sized onions there two very important tips to consider during this process. The first important key tip to consider is the time of planting in the garden. When it comes to...
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Top Five Most Essential Tools Needed for Growing a Vegetable Garden

On this week's episode, Travis goes over the most essential tools needed for growing a vegetable garden. When thinking about the various tools that we have available, Travis narrowed it down to the top five that he believes are necessary and essential to have a successful garden...
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The Best Wheel Hoe: Single vs. Double

There are many different advantages to both the single and double wheel hoe. However, when it comes to what you need to do in the vegetable garden this will help determine which is the best wheel hoe for you. Each Hoss Wheel Hoe has a frame made of powder-coated steel, a 15-inch steel wheel and Amish-crafted...
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Planting the Easiest Potatoes in the Garden

On this week's episode, Travis is demonstrating how to plant the easiest potatoes in the vegetable garden. In the South, the ideal potato planting time is around the middle to end of February. Typically, potatoes need to be planted anywhere from two to three weeks before the last frost date. Travis always...
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What's the Time Frame of Growing a Vegetable Garden?

On this week's episode, Travis is discussing the needed time frame of growing vegetables in a garden. When keeping everything maintained, growing, and harvested it can all depend on the size of your vegetable garden and what crops are planted. Travis is going to give a personal example of how long it takes him...
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Will the Plow Set Attachment Help Make a Garden Row?

On this week's episode, Travis is discussing whether you need to make garden rows or not using the plow set. When the Plow Set attachment is hooked up to the Wheel Hoe will it create an elevated planting surface to plant seeds? Yes, it can make a garden row when they are positioned in the furrowing or hilling...
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