Cog Hill Farm Sunflower Collection
- Cog Hill Farm Sunflower Collection - Includes favorite sunflower varieties for pollinators and cut flowers.
- Varieties included:
- Chocolate Cherry
- Sungold Dwarf Sunflower
- White Nite Sunflower
- White Lite Sunflower
- ProCut Plum Sunflower
- ProCut Lemon Sunflower
The Cog Hill Farm Sunflower Garden Collection includes many of Jason, Brooke, and MaryCarl's (Cog Hill Family Farm) favorite sunflower varieties for interplanting in the vegetable garden or using to add beauty to any landscape. This collection contains sunflowers of all sizes. Dwarf varieties are great for creating dimensional plantings with taller varieties. The standard varieties typically reach 5-7 tall. Stagger the plantings for a beautiful layout of sunflower blooms. Perfect collection for the flower market farmer.
Sunflowers have many benefits for a garden or homestead. They are great for feeding pollinators and attracting beneficial insects. They also work well when grown as a cover crop where they act as a soil-cleanser. Sunflowers may be grown as transplants in our heavy-duty seed starting trays or direct-seeded by hand or with a walk-behind Garden Seeder.
Cog Hill Farm Sunflower Collection Includes:
Chocolate Cherry Sunflower - a branching sunflower variety that produces rich, dark, beautiful blooms with tones of burgundy and chocolate. Plants grow to 6-7′ tall and bloom for 4 weeks.
Sungold Dwarf Sunflower - a shorter stalk (2-3' tall) with loads of 4" diameter double blooms. Great for containers or interplanting in the vegetable garden.
ProCut Lemon Sunflower - a beautiful, lemon-colored petal sunflower with a dark, pollenless center. They get 6-7' tall and make a beautiful cut flower!
ProCut White Nite Sunflower - with vanilla-colored petals that are almost bright white, this sunflower is a show stopper for the home and market gardener! Plants get 6-7' tall!
ProCut White Lite Sunflower - a hybrid, single-stem variety with white petals on a green to gold center. Plant produces a single bloom that averages 3-5" in diameter. Great for cut-flower production.
ProCut Plum Sunflower - a bicolor sunflower with plum to cream-colored petals and a dark center disk. Plants get 6-7' tall with pollenless flowers.