Peanut Pest & Disease Protection
Organic Controls
Horticulture Oil
Aphids, Flea Beetle, Whiteflies, Spider Mites, Thrips
Bug Buster-O
Aphids, Flea Beetles, Whiteflies, Moths, Armyworms, Corn Earworm
Monterey BT
Caterpillars, Cabbage Loppers
Garden Insect Spray
Thrips, Caterpillars, Armyworm, Leaf Miners, Moths
Take Down Garden Spray
Aphids, Flea Beetle, Whiteflies, Moths
Diatomaceous Earth
Sluggo Plus
Non-Organic Controls
Bug Buster II
Aphids, Flea Beetle, Whiteflies, Spider Mites, Thrips, Leafhoppers, Corn Earworms, Armyworm
Treat as needed using label instructions.
Common Diseases
Organic Controls
Crop Rotation and Select Resistant Varieties
Nematodes, Leaf Spot
Complete Disease Control
Gray Mold, Leaf Spots, Anthracnose
Liquid Copper Fungicide
Cercospra Leaf Spot, Pod Rot, Pythium
Garden Phos
Pythium, Downey mildew
Vegetable, Flower, Fruit and Ornamental Fungicide
Leaf Spot, Gray Mold, Rust, Anthracnose, Web Blotch
Treat as needed using label instructions. Apply Inoculants in plots that have not had peanuts planted in the last 5 years.