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Liquid Copper Fungicide

  • Liquid Copper Fungicide – True liquid copper fungicide based on Copper-Count-N, a widely used agricultural fungicide.
  • Includes weather-resistant formula for long-lasting control.
  • Comes with effective control against a wide range of fungal diseases.
  • Contains Copper-Count-N for reliable disease protection.
  • Mixing Rate: 3/4 oz. - 1 oz. per gallon – Easy to prepare and apply.

Liquid Copper Fungicide is a copper fungicide garden spray that controls many diseases attacking citrus, fruits, nuts, vegetables and ornamentals. It is very weather resistant and sticks to the plant or woody surface once it's dried, providing long lasting control. Use as a dormant spray on fruit trees, a foliar spray on citrus, and as a foliar spray on vegetables, ornamentals, conifers, trees, and shrubs to control various foliar diseases. As a dormant spray, it can be mixed with insecticide oil (such as our Horticultural Oil) to give a good combination treatment.

The control of diseases with fungicides is based on PREVENTION. Plant surfaces must be completely covered with the fungicide to successfully prevent infection. Copper pesticides are considered preventative, not curative of plant diseases. Use the highest indicated rate when disease incidence is high or expected to be, depending on rainfall and temperature. The lower rate is suitable for general preventive sprays under normal conditions. Since weather conditions and disease incidence vary, consult your Agricultural Extension Service for timing and initial application.

Liquid Copper can be used on the following vegetable crops: bean, pea, beets, carrots, celery, sweet corn, popcorn, field corn, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, mustard, turnips, cantaloupe, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin, winter squash, summer squash, eggplant, onion, peanut, pepper, potato, spinach and tomato.

Product Label 

Safety Data Sheet

Liquid Copper Application Instructions:

  • Mix 3/4 oz. - 1 oz. per gallon of water.
  • Partially fill sprayer with water before adding the appropriate rate of product, then mix in product thoroughly and add the remaining amount of water.
  • Apply uniformly to both upper and lower surfaces of the plant foliage.
  • Mix only as much spray as needed for a single treatment.