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Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder


Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder is a pre-emergent herbicide used to manage weeds and grasses in vegetable gardens. Kills weed seeds as they germinate, but doesn’t affect your vegetable seeds or plants. Apply prior to planting when soil has been cultivated. 1 quart. Mixing rate: 1.5 oz per gallon of water.


Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder is a pre-emergent herbicide that can be used to control grasses and weeds in your vegetable garden. It controls these weeds and grasses by killing the small seedlings as they germinate. It will not kill or control established vegetation. When used properly, it can provide consistent, long-lasting control of grasses and broadleaf weeds.

Apply Vegetable & Ornamental to the soil prior to planting. The soil should be cultivated and clean with any weed vegetation removed as this product will not eliminate existing weeds. After applying, weed Seeds that germinate will quickly die and make your garden much more manageable throughout the lifetime of your vegetable crops.

This product works great for vegetable crops that may take a long time to germinate. And while it will kill weed Seeds and grasses as they germinate, it will not affect the germination or growth of your vegetable crops. Use it with onions, carrots, beets when direct-seeding. It also is ideal for vining crops like winter squash, pumpkin and watermelon that are not able to be weeded once the plants start to sprawl along the ground.

Product Label

Safety Data Sheet

Use on the following vegetables:

  • Asparagus — Can be applied to established asparagus as a single application, after ferns are removed, but before spear emergence.
  • Beans (Lima and Snap)
  • Carrot
  • Cole Crops (Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, and Cauliflower)
  • Celery — Direct seeded and transplant
  • Cucurbits — Postplant emerged (Cantaloupe, Cucumber, and Watermelon)
  • Greens (Turnip Greens, Collard, Kale, and Mustard)
  • English Peas
  • Okra
  • Pepper — Transplant. Apply prior to transplanting only.
  • Potatoes — All States except Maine. Apply after planting, before emergence, or after the potato plants have fully emerged.
  • Field Peas

Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder Controls:

Grasses - Annual Bluegrass, Johnsongrass (from seed), Barnyardgrass (watergrass), Junglerice, Brachiaria, Panicum (fall), Bromegrass, Panicum Texas, Cheat, Sandbur, Crabgrasses, Sprangletop, Foxtail, Stinkgrass, Woolly Cupgrass

Broadleaf Weeds - Carpetweed, Lambsquarter, Chickweed, Pigweed, Florida Pusley, Puncturevine (Western US only), Goosefoot, Purslane, Knotweed, Russian Thistle, Kochia, Stinging Nettle

* IT WILL NOT CONTROL certain resistant weeds such as Cocklebur, Velvetleaf, Jimsonweed, Ragweed, Venice Mallow, and Nutgrass.

Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder Application Instructions:

  • Mix 3 fluid ounces in 2 gallons of water and apply to 1,000 square feet.
  • Start with a clean spray tank.
  • Fill sprayer 1/2 full with clean water, then add Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder.
  • Finish filling sprayer with water and shake occasionally to keep solution mixed
  • Spray solution directly onto soil.
  • Follow application within 24 hours with 1/2 inch rain or its equivalent in sprinkler irrigation or poor weed control will result.