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Tillage Radish

  • Tillage Radish - Cool-season cover crop.
  • Penetrates deeply to break up and aerate hard soils.
  • Improves soil structure and drainage.
  • Raphanus sativus.

Tillage Radish is a cool-season cover crop with many benefits for improving soil quality and reducing soil pest pressure. It is the ideal cover crop for clay or other hard, compacted soils. These Daikon-style radishes form long, slender roots that can penetrate the hardest soils. The solid roots will reach deep into compacted soils, making them easier to manage in the following growing season. The deeply rooted radishes also create air pockets within the soil to increase aeration and soil drainage. The increased soil drainage will result in healthier plants with better root development.

In addition to making soils more workable, Tillage Radish also helps to increase nutrient availability towards the soil surface. Because the roots are long, they are able to absorb nutrients from deep soil layers. Once the cover crop has been turned, those deep nutrients will then be available at the soil surface. And because the roots decay slower than leafy material, those nutrients remain longer and do not easily leach from garden soils. The decomposition of the radish cover crop also has benefits for reducing nematode and other soil-borne pest populations.

Plant Tillage Radish in fall with enough time for plants to establish solid roots before a hard freeze occurs. Radish may be planted with a broadcast spreader and lightly covered with a rake, but it can also be planted with a precision planter such as our Hoss Garden Seeder. As with most cover crops, they should be cut or incorporated into the soil before going to seed. Radishes are cold tolerant down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. In colder climates, the radishes will "winter kill" and become dormant throughout the cooler months. They will then resume growing in spring. In warmer climates, radishes may continue to grow throughout the winter.

Tillage Radish Planting Information:

Season: Cool

Planting Depth: 1/4"

Seeding Rate: 1 lb per 1,000 sq. ft.

Growing Information

Treatment: Untreated

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Richard Grant
Good for cover crop mixes

The tap root feeds microbes in the soil. It also helps aerate the soil. The leaves can add organic matter back to soil. Make sure to lightly till before planting. It won’t work miracles on heavily compacted clay soil like I have but if you give it a little help and lightly till before planting it does its job pretty good.

James Goodell
Planted in wet spot for hardpan and drainage

I have a few low spots in a clay field. Mid summer planting of tillage radish to break up soil compaction caused by my own farm equipment. Well into fall now and no standing water as of yet. I plan on buying more seed every year and work on trouble spots in fields this way instead of trying to dry out soil in the spring with a chisel plow. Will add lots of plant material to the soil as well. I love the service from Hoss, emails at every step of purchase and conformation of delivery.

Kaleb Willie

Love the product

Chris Polacek

Amazing products and fast service.