Sweet Hearts Hybrid Grape Tomato F1
Sweet Hearts Tomato is a hybrid, indeterminate grape variety with deep red fruits and high sugar content. Widely-adapted and disease-resistant. Resistant to cracking. Pelleted.Solanum lycopersicum. 60 days to maturity.
Treatment: Untreated
Be sure to check out our Tomato Growing Guide for tips & tricks on being successful in growing tomatoes at home.
Sweet Hearts Tomato is hybrid, indeterminate grape tomato variety with brilliant red color and heavy yields. This grape tomato is widely-considered one of the best grape tomato varieties in existence. It is widely-adapted and resistant to several common tomato diseases. Sweet Hearts is a great option for greenhouse, high tunnel, and outdoor production.
Sweet Hearts Tomato produces loads of deep red fruits that have a high sugar content and are resistant to cracking. The skins are light, so the flavor pops in your mouth when you take a bite. The fruits have an increased shelf-life and store well after harvesting.