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Jade Bush Bean

  • Jade Bush Bean – Widely-adapted, open-pollinated bush bean variety that is heat-tolerant and cold-tolerant.
  • Grows tall, upright plants that make for clean, easy harvesting of 6-7″, slender pods.
  • 55 Days to Maturity
  • 1,500 seeds per lb.
  • Phaseolus vulgaris

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Be sure to check out our Beans Growing Guide for more tips & tricks on successfully growing beans. 

Jade Bush Bean is an open-pollinated bush bean variety known for it's high productivity in the most stressful environmental conditions. It is very heat-tolerant and will continue producing well into the warmer months. It is also relatively cold-tolerant and will continue to produce into fall when temperatures cool. Jade Bush Bean produces 6-7" long, slender pods on 18-22" tall, upright plants. The upright growth habit allows for easier, cleaner harvests. This variety is consistently delicious when harvested at all stages of development and the pods store well after harvest.

Beans should be planted in spring after the last frost has occurred. Beans will germinate best once soil temps have reached 65 F or higher. Optimal germination temperature is around 77 F. Seeds can require 8 to 16 days to germinate, depending on the soil temperature. For continual production, succession plant every couple of weeks throughout the spring and early summer. Plants will drop blooms or cease production in the heat of summer. Subsequent succession plantings may be made in late summer/fall, as long as enough time is permitted before the first frost date.

Direct seeding is recommended. We suggest using a #6 plate on the Hoss Garden Seeder and modifying the hole size (if necessary) to fit the seed size. Beans should be planted relatively thick along the row and thinned to the desired spacing. To maximize garden space, consider using a double-row spacing. For double-row spacing, rows may be planted as close as 6" apart with 3' spacing between double rows. For single row spacing, 2' to 3' spacing is recommended.

Jade Bush Bean Planting Information

Planting Method: direct sow

When to Plant: after last frost

Planting Depth: 1"

Seed Spacing: 3-4"

Row Spacing: 3'

Days to Maturity: 55

Disease Resistance: Bean Mosaic Virus, Bacterial Brown Spot, Rust, Curly Top Beet Mosaic Virus

Growing Information

Treatment: Untreated

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Out of all the beans I have grown, these are the best and I will replant double next season

Rhonda Burns
Jade bean seeds

Thank you for a flawless transaction

William Edwards
Jade beans

They are tender last long time on the vine and have heavy yield

Dale Thomas
Best fresh market bean!

We've grown jade green beans for several years now. Our customers love them, we never have trouble selling out every season. They're heavy yielding as well. Hoss's had them shipped in a timely fashion and we're just waiting to plant.

Joseph Dolan
Hoss seeds

Got your seed suggestions from watching Coghill farm ordered pinkeye purple hull peas last year because you had the bush type which I couldn’t find locally here in Lynchburg Virginia . A local nursery told me how much they loved the jade string beans and when I saw you had them that started my order then to the peas and last to try the tomatoes that Jason of coghill was using recommended by y’all so we shall see how this year’s crop turns out hopefully it won’t be as hot and dry as last year