Emerald Crown Hybrid Broccoli F1
Emerald Crown Broccoli is a widely-adapted hybrid that performs well in the warm to cool growing slot. Resistant to purpling and great for late fall plantings. Large, domed heads with fine beads. Brassica oleracea var italica. 60 days to maturity.
Be sure to check out our Broccoli Growing Guide for more tips & tricks on successfully growing broccoli at home.
Emerald Crown Broccoli is a hybrid broccoli variety that works great for the warm to cool growing season. It is especially tolerant to purpling in cooler temperatures, making it a great variety for fall plantings. Emerald Crown produces large, well-domed heads with fine beads for excellent texture. The plants are relatively small compared to other broccoli varieties, making it a great choice for tighter-spaced areas. The large heads have a bright green, almost blue-green coloration which makes them very visually appealing. This is a great variety to grow after Green Magic in the fall. Plant Green Magic in late summer/early fall and follow with a succession of Emerald Crown. This variety is widely-adapted and grows well in all planting zones.
Broccoli may be direct-seeded, but it performs best when transplanted. Transplanting allows for more consistent plant spacing, and prevents broccoli seedlings from competing with weeds in the early stages of the plant. We recommend starting transplants 3-4 weeks before the desired outdoor planting date. Broccoli transplants grow great in our heavy-duty seed starting trays, where they develop a solid root ball with roots that are trained to grow downward. Plants are ready to go in the ground when they can be easily pulled from the cells in the seed starting tray.
Broccoli crowns should be harvested when they are dark green, before any flowers or Seeds develop on the crowns. As temperatures warm in the spring, broccoli crowns will mature faster and should be monitored. Although broccoli leaves are frost-tolerant, broccoli heads are not. If frost is imminent while crowns are developing, be sure to use some form of row cover to protect the crowns from frost.
Emerald Crown Broccoli Planting Information
Planting Method: transplant
When to Plant: early spring and fall
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Seed Spacing: 12"
Row Spacing: 2-3'
Days to Maturity: 60
Disease Resistance: None
Growing Information
Treatment: Untreated