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Desi Chickpea

  • Desi Chickpea – Smaller, darker brown chickpea with a thick coat.
  • Popular in Indian dishes.
  • Cool-season, nitrogen-fixing cover crop.
  • Performs well when planted in early fall or spring.
  • Rich in fiber content.
  • Popular variety for making hummus.
  • Cicer arietinum.
  • 100 days to maturity.

Desi Chickpea produces a deep taproot that helps to break hardpans and condition soils for future plantings. It can be planted alone, but also works great when intercropped with Sorghum Sudangrass or Browntop Millet. We recommend planting Desi Chickpea as a cover crop after heavy nitrogen-feeding crops like corn, brassicas, or onions. Because the roots penetrate so deep into the soil, They can tolerate a light frost in late spring or early fall. Chickpeas usually flower 50 days after emerging from the soil. Plants are indeterminate, so they will continue to produce vegetation even after flowering.

Desi Chickpea can be grown in fall or early spring. We suggest planting in early/mid-fall with enough time for plants to establish before frost arrives. The seed can be broadcast and covered or planted with a precision planter like our Hoss Garden Seeder. If broadcast, we recommend raking or dragging the soil to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. This will improve germination and ensure you get solid coverage. As with all cover crops, it should be cut or mowed before going to seed to prevent any residual weed issues. Once cut, incorporate into the soil as green manure for best results. It can also be used as forage and works great as a component of a food plot mixture.

Desi Chickpea Planting Information:

Planting Method: direct seed 

Planting Depth: 1"

Seed Spacing: 3-6", thin to 6"

Row Spacing: 18-24"

Days to Maturity: 100


Cover Crop Planting Information:

Season: Cool

Planting Depth: 1

Seeding Rate: 2.5 lb per 1,000 sq. ft.

Growing Information

Treatment: Untreated

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Joel Howard
Most exciting time of the year

Corn cobs for every body I like the treats. We get some of the finest seeds anywhere joe howard