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Coker Oats

  • Coker Oats – High-yielding, fast-growing oat plant.
  • Excellent for livestock and wildlife due to high nutritional content.
  • Germinates in 5-7 days under optimal conditions.
  • Reaches 12-24" height in weeks.
  • Improves soil health as a cover crop.
  • Reduces erosion and weed pressure.
  • Enhances nutrient cycling and crop yields.
  • 60 days to maturity.

Coker oats thrive in well-draining soil with good fertility. Work the soil to a fine texture and remove any weeds or debris that could hinder germination and growth. Plant Coker oats either in the fall for overwintering cover or in the spring as a cool-season crop. Broadcast the Seeds evenly over the prepared soil or use a seed spreader for larger areas. Aim for a seeding rate of about 2 to 3 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet (or follow the package instructions). If planting in rows, space the rows about 6 to 12 inches apart.

Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the germination and early growth stages. Once established, they are more drought-tolerant.

Coker Oats Planting Information:

Season: Cool or Warm

Planting Depth: 1/4"

Row Spacing: 6 -12" apart if planting in rows

Seeding Rate: 2lbs per 1,000 sq. ft

Growing Information

Treatment: Untreated