Cal Wonder Bell Pepper
Cal Wonder Bell Pepper is the heirloom standard for bell peppers. Large, blocky fruits have thick walls and mature to a deep red color if left on the plant. Capsicum annuum. 60 days to maturity.
30 seeds per packet
Cal Wonder Bell Pepper, also known as California Wonder, is an heirloom variety with large, blocky fruits. This has been the standard bell pepper variety for market gardeners and backyard gardeners since the 1920s. Fruits are 4" x 3 1/2" on average and have thick walls. Cal Wonder Bell Pepper is great for raw preparations, but also maintains its crunchy texture when cooked. If allowed to remain on the plant, green fruits will mature to a deep red color with even more flavor. Plants will begin to produce in late spring and continue production throughout summer until first frost in fall.
Growing Information
Treatment: Untreated