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Bed Rake


The Bed Rake is a commercial-grade gardening rake with an aluminum construction and extra-long handle that’s easy on the back. Great for leveling planting surfaces, removing old crop debris and amending soils. MADE IN THE USA and built to last a lifetime! Available in 30″ and 36″ widths.


Our Bed Rake is the best landscape/gardening rake you'll find! This long-handle tool is lightweight, easy to use, and built to last a lifetime. It is MADE IN THE USA and available in two head widths -- 30" and 36."

The Bed Rake has a long, aluminum handle and an aluminum head which won't rust after years of use in your garden. The aluminum construction makes it light and easy to use. It also has a great balance which allows the implement to do all the work while you simply pull the tool through the soil.

It has a 66.5" handle so you don't have to bend your back while using it. The longer handle allows you to easily walk to the right or left of the rake when smoothing beds or planting surfaces. This will prevent having footprints and unleveled spots in your garden prior to planting.

The Bed Rake has a wide range of applications and uses around the garden and homestead. It works great for leveling garden plots or individual rows for planting. Use the tine end to move soil and fill unleveled areas, then use the straight edge to create a smooth surface for optimal seed germination after planting.

Use it to rake and remove debris from expired vegetable crops, making quick crop turnover a breeze. It is particularly useful when removing tall plant stalks like corn or sunflowers after mowing. It can also be used to lightly incorporate compost into planting beds with minimal disturbance.

Our favorite use for the Bed Rake is planting cover crops. Spread cover crop Seeds by hand or with a seed spreader, then use the tine end of the rake to lightly incorporate those Seeds into the soil for better germination. Just walk to the side of the rake and let it do the work for you!

Bed Rake Details:

Handle length: 66.5"

Rake width: 30" or 36"

Tine length: 2.25"