Avalon Hybrid Sweet Corn F1
Avalon Sweet Corn is a white, TripleSweet hybrid that is considered the best-eating white corn on the market. Holds well and stores well. Requires no isolation from other corn varieties. Zea mays. 80 days to maturity. Approx. 3,000 seeds per lb.
Avalon Sweet Corn is a hybrid that is the gold standard for white sweet corn. Avalon is a TripleSweet variety, which means that it has 75% sugary-enhanced (se) kernels and 25% supersweet (sh2) kernels. As a result, it requires no isolation from other sweet corn varieties being grown nearby. TripleSweet varieties like Avalon have excellent holding and storage potential. This provides a longer harvest window in the field and also allows a longer window for processing/fresh eating. Avalon Sweet Corn has an excellent disease package and produces large, 8" ears with 16 rows of kernels per ear.
Growing Information
Treatment: Untreated