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Row by Row Episode 232: Gardening In January

Row by Row Episode 232: Gardening In January

It's January! A new year and new gardening goals! Tonight, Greg and Sheila discuss more new products that are available on the website now, some upcoming new products, and what you should be doing or should you just be preparing. Let's talk gardening in January. How to fight cabin fever! Let's Grow Together!

Gardening In January

Garden Tasks

Getting "cabin fever" is understandable this time of year. It's cold outside, you're stuck inside and you're itching for spring! Don't be fooled if there are a few warm days that pop up, you don't want to get started too early. Figure out your planting dates: last frost date minus 6-8 weeks for transplants (consider germination time and hardening off). You'll want to schedule out succession planting on a calendar rather than sowing everything all at once, sow a little at a time. A good rule of thumb is to spread out your zucchini, squash, cucumbers, etc. instead of having an explosion of vegetables all at once.

Can Anything Be Planted Now For An Early Spring Garden?

Yes, you can grow now (depending on your zone, of course), we're talking Zone 8 and higher here. From seed: mustards, turnips, and collards are a good choice! You can start more English and Snap peas, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kohlrabi, or Broccoli to transplant.

Soil Testing, Review Notes

You'll want to review any notes you took last year or from your growing season(s). What did well, what didn't? What new varieties are you going to try this year? Check out our NEW FOR 2023 seeds!

Check Your Inventory

Another important tip - your seed inventory and prepare your order, some years there are seed shortages on certain crops so you want to make sure you order in time.

Prepare! Prepare!

It's time to start cleaning up that garden. You'll want to cultivate, weed, and clean up. Top-dress the soil with organic matter/compost. Tarp it if needed and forget about it!

Product of the Week


NEW FOR 2023

Hoss All-In-One Fertilizer

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