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Texsel Greens Microgreens

Packed with robust garlic and earthy kale flavors, our Texsel Greens, also known as Garlic Kale microgreens have unmatched flavor! This variety is a fast-growing brassica, developed by the University of Texas. Its serrated true leaves add amazing texture to microgreen mixures. Nutrient-rich, unique leaf shape, beautiful green tops and stem. With minimal effort, you can harvest your Garlic Kale within days! Brassica carinata

Our Texsel Greens (Garlic Kale) microgreen seed packets are the perfect amount/seed ratio for the 1020 Microgreen Growing Trays. Spread Seeds evenly on top of the soil. Maintain even moisture and do not allow the soil to dry out. Microgreens can be germinated in windowsills, greenhouses, or using a Hoss Light Kit


Estimated Harvest Time: 10-15 days

Nutrients: Vitamins A, B, complex, D, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus