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Fertilizer Injector Flo Discs

  • Replacement Flo Discs for Hoss Fertilizer Injector
  • Includes white, red, and black discs
  • Designed for low-flow irrigation systems
  • Ensures proper fertilizer distribution

Drip systems with less than 120 gallons per hour (GPH) water flow may require a Flo-Disc in order to inject the solution into the drip system. There are three discs provided for these conditions.

Important: You must have colored fertilizer in the injection tank or food dye to adjust the system. Let the system run for a few minutes to make sure the fertilizer is not flowing before installing or changing the Flo Disc. If there is no color in the clear tube, the system is not flowing, and a more restrictive Flo-Disc is required for operation.

White Flo-Disc 120 to 60 gph

Black Flo-Disc 60 to 30 gph

Red Flo-Disc 30 to 7.5 gph

Note: The Flo-Disc is not intended for pressure reduction and cannot be used for this purpose. The Flo-Disc will create additional bypass through the tank when necessary to speed up injection.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Danny Uriegas
Flo discs work great

Great product worked great

Thomas Thompson

Great customer service!!

Karla Nguyen
Great service assistance and product!

Item was received quickly and fantastic customer service. Much appreciated!

Earn Clifton
Fertilizer Flo Discs

I haven't used them yet but I got them in record time