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Duster Hybrid Onion F1

  • Duster Onion – A hybrid, short-day onion with superior disease-resistance and uniform bulbs.
  • Globe-shaped with a light-brown coloration.
  • Early-maturing.
  • 125 days to maturity.
  • Allium cepa.

Be sure to check out our Onion Growing Guide for helpful tips & tricks on how to successfully grow onions in your garden. 

Duster Onion is a hybrid, short-day sweet onion with excellent uniformity and disease-resistance. Duster produces large, globe-shaped onions with a light brown coloration. These onions are early-maturing and consistently uniform with a firm bulb for superior holding ability and storage. Plants are vigorous and perform well during a wide-range of growing conditions.

Growing Information

Duster Onion can be direct-seeded or transplanted, although we recommend transplanting. For direct-seeding, plant Seeds 2″ apart along the row with a row spacing of 24″. Once seedlings emerge, thin seedlings to a 6″ plant spacing along the row.

Duster Onion Seeds can be planted with our Hoss Garden Seeder. We recommend using a #1 seed plate and modifying the hole size slightly to accommodate the onion variety being planted. For denser plantings, more holes may need to be drilled to accommodate a thicker spacing.

For transplanting, plant one seed per cell in our heavy-duty seed starting trays. Once the green stems reach 6-8″ in length and/or they can be easily pulled from the seed trays, the transplants are ready to go in the ground. Transplant onions 4-6″ apart along the row with a row spacing of 24″. If drip irrigation is used, onions may be planted on double rows with drip irrigation in the middle. We suggest burying the drip tape 3-4″ deep and planting on both sides of the tape.

Duster Onion Planting Information

Planting Method: transplant

When to Plant: early fall

Planting Depth: 1/4″

Seed Spacing: 4″

Row Spacing: 12-18″

Days to Maturity: 125

Disease Resistance: Pink Root Rot, Fusarium Basal Rot

Onion Planting Guide

Select an onion variety based on your geographical location. In many cases, intermediate-day varieties can be grown in southern long-day regions and northern short-day regions.

Short-day Onions

Plant in fall and overwinter for a spring harvest

Start the bulbing process when day length reaches 10-12 hours

Intermediate-day Onions

Plant in late winter for an early summer harvest

Start the bulbing process when day length reaches 12-14 hours

Long-day Onions

Plant in spring for a mid-summer harvest

Start the bulbing process when day length reaches 14-16 hours

Onions are heavy feeders and will require significant nutrient inputs throughout their lifespan. We recommend feeding them with our 20-20-20 and Calcium Nitrate fertilizers. Fertilize with 20-20-20 shortly after transplanting. The phosphorous and potassium in the 20-20-20 fertilizer will help to promote solid root development, while the nitrogen will promote vegetative growth. Once transplants are established, we recommend side-dressing or injecting with our Calcium Nitrate fertilizer. Side dress or inject 1 cup per 20 feet of linear row every 3-4 weeks after transplanting.

Treatment: Untreated

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
North Port Growers
Great Variety, High Quality Seeds

Great variety of round onion. I grew them in sandy soil in FLA, from Nov, harvested hundreds of large to medium onions. Watch Lazy Dog Farms for great tips on how to grow bulbing onions they work!. Great quality at HOSS, never had a bad seed from them. we turned 3 packs of onoin seeds into 200 lbs of onions!