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Cometa Hybrid Squash F1

  • Cometa Squash - Hybrid, Lebanese-type summer squash.
  • Heavy-yields of bulb-shaped, light green fruits.
  • Popular in the middle-east where it is frequently used for stuffing.
  • C. pepo.
  • 50 days to maturity.

Be sure to check out our Summer Squash Growing Guide to learn more tips & tricks on successfully growing summer squash.

Cometa Squash is a hybrid, Lebanese-type summer squash with a light green exterior. Lebanese squash are very popular in the middle-east and are frequently used for stuffing. Cometa Squash have very productive, bush-type plants that produce continuous harvests of light green, bulb-shaped fruits. Fruits have a firmer texture than traditional summer squash and a nutty flavor that is absolutely delicious. These squash are also known for their storage ability. Unlike traditional summer squash that will store for a week or two post-harvest, these squash have an excellent shelf-life and will store for much longer.

Squash may be direct seeded or transplanted, although we highly recommend direct seeding. To ensure a good stand, we recommend planting squash Seeds every 12" along the intended row. Once plants emerge, thin plants to one every 2 feet. Squash can be susceptible to plant diseases like downy mildew and powdery mildew if leaves receive excess moisture. As a result, we recommend using drip irrigation on squash to reduce plant moisture and feed plants more effectively. During periods of heavy rainfall, using a fungicide like Liquid Copper can help to alleviate disease pressure as well.

Squash are a crop that will require multiple harvests throughout the growing season. Regardless of variety, squash will have better flavor and texture when harvested on the small end of the spectrum. We recommend harvesting every 2-3 days to ensure no fruits become too large and unpalatable. When squash plants cease production, remove the plants from the garden to prevent any fungal spores from overwintering and becoming a problem in future years. Proper crop rotation is extremely important with all squash varieties to reduce disease and pest pressure.

Cometa Squash Planting Information

Planting Method: direct seed

When to Plant: after last frost

Planting Depth: 1/2"

Seed Spacing: 18-24"

Row Spacing: 5-6'

Days to Maturity: 50

Disease Resistance: None

Growing Information

Treatment: Untreated

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Suzanne Landers
This squash is a winner

Planted for 2023 planting season. It was the first to produce and the last to produce, only stopped by a frost. Squashes were tasty and kept longer in the fridge than my usual yellow summer squash and zucchini selections. Ordered more for 2024.