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Row by Row Episode 204: What Are Field Peas?

Row by Row Episode 204: What Are Field Peas?

Do many people think there is a difference between cowpeas, field peas, and Crowder peas but is there? Did you know- field peas are great for soil conditioning since they are high in Nitrogen.

Is There A Difference?

Cowpeas are grown in the South since they are adaptable, heat-tolerant, and drought-resistant. Southern peas prefer warm to hot weather, with air temperatures between 70° and 95°F (21-32°C)–most days exceeding 85°F (29°C). Southern peas require 60 to 90 frost-free days to reach harvest. Field Peas and Cowpeas are pretty much the same!

Zone 7 - fall planting July 1st-July30th.

Zone 8 -fall planting July 15-Aug 15

Zone 9 - fall planting Aug 1st- Aug 30th

Different Types - What Are Field Peas?

These peas have been grouped into the following market classes based on seed type and color:

Black eye and purple eye—The immature pods shell easily because the hull (pod wall) is pliable and the seeds come out of the pod clean and free. The shelled peas are attractive, mild-flavored, and suitable for processing.

Brown eye—Pods vary in color from green to lavender and have a wide range of lengths. The immature seeds, when cooked, are a medium to dark brown color, very tender, and have a delicate flavor.

Crowder - closely crowded in the pods and tend to be globular in shape.

Cream— generally cream-colored and have no noticeable "eye" (the hilum is inconspicuous).

Clay—These are generally older varieties that are medium to dark brown in color and kidney-shaped.

White acre— kidney-shaped with a blunt end. This type is a semi-crowder, generally tan in color and somewhat small. Pods are quite stiff.

Product of the Week

Field Peas Seeds

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