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Row by Row Episode 171: How To Grow Onions In The Fall

Row by Row Episode 171: How To Grow Onions In The Fall

Tonight, Greg and Sheila do a deep dive into everything onions! When to plant, how to fertilize, and so much more!

The Right Kind of Onions

Short Day

Short-Day varieties will form bulbs with 10-12 hours of daylight and only need mild winter climates (Zones 7 and warmer). These should be planted in the fall for maturity in late spring.

Intermediate Day

Intermediate-Day varieties will form bulbs with 12-14 hours of daylight, normally grown in zones 5-7, and should be planted in the fall.

Long Day

Long-Day varieties will form bulbs with 14-16 hours of daylight, typically grown in northern regions (Zones 6 and colder), and planted in late winter/early spring. 

Types of Onions

  • Bulbing Onions
  • Spring/Bunching Onions
  • Multiplying

Fertilizing Bulbing Onions

Two important tips to remember, plant the right type of onion for your area and plant them at the right time. (Refer above)

In-Ground Planting for Zone 8 - make sure your soil PH is between 6.0 - 6.5, about 1 week before you plant you will need to incorporate 1.5 cups per 10 ft. of the row, of Complete Organic Fertilizer into your soil. Two weeks after planting your onions, add 2 cups of 20-20-20 per 1,000 sq. ft of garden space to your Hoss Fertilizer Injector. Every week after (for 3 consecutive weeks), you will add 2 cups of 20-20-20 and 1/2 cup of Microboost per 1,000 sq. ft. of garden space to your Hoss Fertilizer Injector. Every 4th week, side-dress with ammonium sulfate. About 30 days before you get ready to harvest your onions, you want to stop fertilizing your onions.

Raised Bed Planting for Zone 8 - make sure your soil PH is between 6.0 - 6.5, about 1 week before you plant you will need to incorporate 1.5 cups per 10 ft. of the row, of Complete Organic Fertilizer into your soil. Two weeks after you plant your onions, side-dress 2 cups of Hoss Complete Organic Fertilizer per 10 ft. of row. Every week (for 3 consecutive weeks), use one tablet of each of Dr. Joe All-Purpose Growing Bubble and Dr. Joe Nutri Bubble (mix into a 1 gallon - 5-gallon watering container). Apply the Dr. Joe fertilizer as a drench to 10 ft. of row. Every 4th week, 1/2 cup Hoss Premium Ammonium Sulfate to 10 ft. of row. Repeat as necessary until 30 days before bulbing process.

Products of the Week:

Root Pouch

Onion Plants

Warrior Bunching Onions

Natsuguro Bunching Onions

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