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Row by Row Episode 77: What's Happening in the Fall Vegetable Garden

Row by Row Episode 77: What's Happening in the Fall Vegetable Garden

What's Growing in the Fall Vegetable Garden?

There is currently a lot happening not only in the garden but in the greenhouse as well. Travis has some Rutabaga greens that he harvested from the garden. Which rutabaga greens taste can vary depending on the person eating them, but they typically have a taste profile similar to turnips or mustard. While Greg is in the process of perfecting his own recipe of cornbread from scratch in the kitchen. Travis has onion transplants growing such as Texas Legend and Sweet Harvest varieties in the greenhouse. When putting the onion transplants in the ground it's best to go ahead and hit them with some 20-20-20 fertilizer for improved growth. Rutagbages, collards, and cabbage are all doing well in the fall vegetable garden. While in one area of Travis's dream garden his Early Wonder beets are not doing so well and it may be caused by to much chicken manure when amended in the ground. Another issue in the fall vegetable garden was Travis's carrot germination. When planted the weather conditions were just right, but then the temperatures dropped down to the '40s which slowed carrot germination down quite a bit. However, they are doing better now and starting to make growing progress in the vegetable garden. Lastly, the guys discuss the really nice pin potatoes they had growing in the fall vegetable garden. A pin potato basically means when the vine crawls up by itself and pins down to make a potato.

Planting Cover Crops

The guys discuss a little bit about all the warm cover cropping they did this past growing season. He recommends planting Sorghum Sudangrass and Sunn Hemp if you are really trying to build the organic matter in the soil. Once it reaches around two feet tall, then go in and mow it down to incorporate back into the soil. For the cool season, Travis just planted a cover crop cocktail of Tillage Radish, Austrian Winter Pea, and Hairy Vetch.

New Varieties

As we are getting prepared for 2020, Travis is busy adding tons of new varieties for next year's growing seasons. He currently has some powdery mildew resistant cantaloupes, well-known peppers, lots of new pumpkins, winter squash, summer squash, tomatoes, watermelons, beans, corn, gourds, and many new flower varieties coming to the Hoss Tools site soon.

Viewer Questions Segment

On the question and answer segment this week, the guys answer questions about starting fertilizer in seed trays, what vegetables can be grown all winter long, have they ever bought garlic to break up and plant in the garden. The next question they answer is whether it is good to crop the leaves on the premier green mix in order for it to grow back. The last question they discuss is what they recommend when controlling Colorado potato bugs in North Texas. Greg mentions that you want to wait till your onion transplants get to be around an inch to an inch and half tall before you start to apply fertilizer to the seed starting trays. Travis states the vegetables that he recommends growing during the winter which includes broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, leeks, garlic, mustard, rutabagas, turnips, radishes, and shallots. Greg says that he has never bought garlic and broke it up to plant from a big box store, but he has with potatoes before. Travis mentions that when cropping the leaves he suggests grabbing a handful and cutting level with it once the premium greens mix reaches around six inches tall. Greg recommends using either Neem Oil or Spinosad when trying to control Colorado potato bugs.

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